22 November 2009

等到 ......


非常好的一篇文章, 我們真的就是這樣的想法, 至少很多我們的長輩應該都是這樣的想法. 永遠都是把錢存起來, 等到老的時候再花, 問題是我們能有這麼長的命來花嗎?



17 August 2009

Message from a Masking Boy

Beware of the dangerous H1N1 spreading.

Please do put on the mask for extra protection for yourself and the beloved one ...

Like what you do look at me now .....

This information is brought to you by Public Awareness Communitee member, Tan Jing Hong

11 July 2009

Sport's Day

Today is Jing Hong's Kindergarden annual sport's day. Jing Hong had tried hard for it. Well, he had the second runner up.

Do I look smart??

What is happening to you, Jing Hong? sparkling eyes ....

yes, I am going to win ....... V!

Guess what are they whispering each other?

Looks like something that You won't let me know about .......

Hey, why do you put your hands on the girl's shoulder??? This is a plot???

02 July 2009

Tiger Boy!

Here is the Tiger Boy! Errrrrg ! Come to save you!

27 June 2009

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04 June 2009

Orange Green Red

After finishing the music class, there was a part of short dialogue among the children, including Tan Jing Hong who is sick of coughing, while going home.

Child A : What is your English name? (Talking with Jing Hong...)

Jing Hong : My mandarin name is 陈靖弘, english name is Tan Jing Hong ......

Child A : Then, how to write your mandarin name, Jing (靖) ??

Jing Hong : errrr ...... Jing (靖) is like a word 青(green) lah ......

Child A : that is green for green frog.

Child A's mom : There should be a letter 立 in front of 青(green) to be 靖 ..... Go back ask your mummy.

Jing Hong : Nolah, there is "3 dots of water" (三点水) in front of 青......

Child A's mom : then it is to be 清 not 靖 anymore.

Child A : his english name is Tan Green Hong (陈青弘) not Tan Jing Hong (陈靖弘) .....

Jing Hong : No no ....

Child B: then 陈 (Chen) is 橙 , Orange ......

Child A: 弘 (Hong) is 红 (Red) .... ... So, his english name is Orange Green Red !

Jing Hong : No no my name is Tan Jing Hong ........

01 June 2009

27 May 2009

Message behind the story ...

Here is a short story with a beautiful message... Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter,'Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.'

The little girl said, 'No, Dad. You hold my hand.'

What's the difference?' Asked the puzzled father.

'There's a big difference,' replied the little girl.

'If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that Imay let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.'

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours...

This message is too short......but carries a lot of Feelings

Lame Jokes

Why do the students fail in academic ???

It's not the fault of student if he/she fails because the year ONLY has 365 days...typical academic year for a student:

1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest. Days left 313.

2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study. Days left 263.

3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE. Days left 141.

4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days. Days left 126.

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30 days. Days left 96.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days. Days left 81.

7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days. Days left 46.

8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days. Days left 6.

9. For sickness - at least 3 days. Days left 3.

10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days. 1 day left.

11. That 1 day is your birthday. How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!

Balance = 0' How can a student pass ?????'

*Please pass this on and you will have good luck for yourexaminations through out your life studying =)

左右腦 -- 愛因斯坦成為天才的秘密

如果你看見這個舞女是順時針轉,說明你用的是右腦; 如果是逆時針轉,說明你用的左腦。
耶魯大學耗時5年的研究成果,據說。 14%的美國人可以兩個方向都能看見

順時針轉的話 , 屬於是用右腦較多的類型
大部分人的眼裡裡是逆時針方向轉動 , 但也有人看來是順時針方向轉動的 .
順時針的情況 , 女性比男性多 ~
逆時針轉動的 , 突然變成順時針的話 , IQ是 160以上 !!!
頂葉負責掌管腦中的數學和邏輯 ,這也是愛因斯坦成為天才的秘密。但不可否認的 ,愛因斯坦豐富的想像力與創造力 ,是使他的右腦不斷激發出潛在能力的重要因素之一。
左腦因為是以語言處理訊息 ,控制知識、判斷力、思考力因此被稱為「知性腦」;右腦則控制著自律神經與字宙波動共振 ,由於是圖像腦 ,因此造型能力優越 ,被稱為「藝術腦」。
有關右腦的神奇功能研究 ,是始於 1 9 8 1年加州理工學院羅傑· 史貝利 博士研! 究右腦獲得諾貝爾獎以後 ,人們才開始對右腦有所認識 ,在此之前 ,人們並不認為左腦與右腦的功能有那麼大的差別。史貝利在分割腦的實驗中發現 ,左腦與右腦這兩個半球完全以不同的方式在進行思考 ,他發現左腦用語言進行思考 ,右腦則是以圖像進行思考;左腦偏向語言、邏輯性的思考 ,右腦則是影像和心像的思考。
根據七 田真 博士的研究 ,原來人在誕生之初 ,右腦的能力還很發達 ,右腦具備了超越常識那種幾乎可稱為全然未知的天才似的能力 ,這種能力自古以來就隱藏在人們腦海裡 ,是一種超越時間、空間 ,與無限境界相連結的能力 ,但是因為人類世界是以教導、開啟左腦為主 ,讓小孩子努力學習語言以及往後生存所必需的知識 ,久而久之 ,左腦越來越發達 ,右腦卻因為少用而日形退化。至於什麼樣的成人比較容易打開右腦 ,七 田真 博士認為 ,心思專注、純真沒有成見的人 ,比較容易進入神奇的右腦世界。
你相信超能力嗎?如果你有看過 (雨人 )這部電影 ,一定對片中達斯汀霍夫曼飾演的哥哥印象深刻 ,他不但能正確快速數出散落一地的火柴數目 ,而且飾演他弟弟的湯姆克魯斯還利用他天賦異稟的「透視」能力 ,上賭場找人玩撲克牌 ,結果對手的牌在達斯汀霍夫曼的「全神貫注」下 ,被透視得一 覽無疑 ,湯姆克魯斯因此贏了一大筆錢。
或許你會認為那是電影誇張其事 ,! 現實世界中 ,人不可能具備那樣的能力。如果你這麼想 ,你就是犯了習慣左腦思考的錯誤 ,其實 ,人類大腦的另一半 -右腦 ,擁有的能力是左腦思考者很難想像的。
當我盡量不看人像,而是把目光對準地面上腳的陰影的時候,可以在腦子裡'想',要它順時針轉,她就順時針,要她逆時針,她就逆時針,彷彿你的思維可以控制圖片的轉動一樣。而如果精神高度集中,就可以讓人像左右擺動,根本繞不出一個完 整的圈子。我一直在努力嘗試,看能不能把人像給定住,讓她靜止不動。這個遊戲最好玩的地方在於,你只能自己玩,然後你和別人說你的感受,他們一開始會絕對不相信。但是,你又沒有辦法把你看到的景象用任何方式記錄下來,給別人做個證明,因為那只存在於你的腦子裡。但是,一旦別人也適應了,能看到這一點的時候,他們會無條件地贊同你,彷彿你? 怳嬤氻F天地間的一大秘密。
唯心主義者應該非常喜歡這個例子,境由心造。不過在我看來,它最適合一個人面 對電腦屏幕玩。一開始的時候,我只能看見逆時針方向。等我偶然看見順時針方向以後,就一直是順時針旋轉。而等我把人像遮住,只看腳的陰影,並試圖用思維'改變'它的旋轉方向並且取得成功以後,竟然這麼看玩了半個小時。一個人,一張圖,中間除了光線沒有任何介質,但是你就是可以控制它的轉動,非常有趣的小遊戲。

10 March 2009

Jing Da standing on his feet!

Jing Da's happy face while 'standing'.


Jing Da is smiling happily and tasting his yummy fingers. Good taste. Licking good ...

Big brother Jing Hong hugging little brother Jing Da happily. You can see how good this big brother are.

Yes! Up the Head !

Hi ! My name is Tan Jing Da. I am a boy. I am still a little baby. 3 months of age. See me how well I up my head ..............
Do you see me??? Do you?? Yes, I have made it!!
Try to up his head again, up , up ...........
oh! Suddenly, transform into this handsome boy!! Wow! Growing up in such a short time ......!

Elder and Young Brothers

See how well Jing Hong's sleeping post ....... Sleeping also takes care of the personal image??

This is Jong Hong's little brother, Jing Da, sleeping style. May having a sweet dream : playing with his brother ???

Two little brothers holding hand even sleeping ..... that is so called 'Brotherhood'

09 March 2009




09 February 2009

Check out these Mathematics geniuses…

What do you think??? Mind is out of the boudaries ......
These were forwarded by a friend.